Finding the right real estate agent can be a daunting process if you don’t have the right information. You want your real estate agent to be a committed, reliable, and trustworthy agent. You’ll spend a lot of time working with them, so this is of paramount importance.

Why do I need a real estate agent?

It may seem attractive to sell a home without the agent’s help. You may think that doing so will save thousands in fees. However, using a real estate agent is still a great way to find the right buyers. Real estate agents have all the experience and knowledge needed to help you navigate the home selling process with ease. They handle all the details, negotiate on your behalf, and market your listing to make sure it’s seen by as many potential home buyers as possible.

Where do I find real estate agents?

One of the best places to start when seeking a real estate agent is with friends and family. You want a tenacious and trustworthy agent, which can be a tricky balance to strike, so using trusted connections is recommended. Find out who has used certain agents and ask for referrals, so you can begin building a list of potential agents. You can also use other sources like local real estate agencies or the internet to widen the search. However, some of the best agents are those with whom others have worked before and received strong reviews.

What should I ask during an interview?

You should have a list of questions and priorities before meeting with a prospective agent. You’ll want to know more about their expertise in your area. Ask them if they specialize in selling your type of property. Find out how many homes they’ve sold recently, and how many of those homes sold close to their asking price.

Talk about your communication preferences. You want a real estate agent that communicates at the highest level and is comfortable with your level of needed communication. If you prefer weekly calls over a meeting, let them know. Maybe you prefer a text when something important happens. Knowing these things can help your agent.

What if I want to find a different agent?

No one wants to think about the need to remove yourself from a contract with a real estate agent, but it’s best to be prepared with the knowledge you need in the event that this happens. You may be required to pay a termination fee or penalty. Some agencies offer a grace period that allows you the opportunity to see if the agent is a good fit. It never hurts to ask!

Should I Hire A Family Member?

The answer to this depends on the friend or family member and the relationship you have with the individual. If the agent is new or does not have the experience to help with your specific needs (listing a home, for instance), it may be better to choose an agent better suited to help you specifically.

Often, a reason people do not want to do business with a friend/family member is that they think if a deal goes bad it could damage the friendship or relationship, so they shy away from doing business with someone they know well. While that is a possibility, a real estate professional can keep business as business and still maintain a close relationship.

If you have a friend or family member that is an experienced Realtor with a great track record, then you will probably do well hiring that agent. They will likely work hard to give you VIP treatment and make sure you are successful.

I know I do 😊


Finding the right real estate agent can be somewhat time-consuming, but it is an important part of the process of home selling. Keep in mind your specific priorities and needs, do some research, ask friends and family for recommendations, and you should have a smooth real estate transaction.

A local real estate expert is the best source of information about the community and real estate topics. Give Rita Boswell Group a call today at 614-830-9767 to learn more about local areas, discuss selling a house, or tour available homes for sale.

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