Housing inventory in Columbus has been at historically low levels for some time now. This issue has frustrated home buyers, causing some to stop their house hunt altogether. For others, they continue to search endlessly or they compromise and buy a home that fits most of their criteria.

Recently, Rita was able to help one of her long-time clients to finally find the right home. Danessa was her very first buyer client years ago. Back then, she purchased a condo in Blacklick.

Fast-forward a few years, and Danessa wanted a home that was closer to work. Rita Boswell helped her sell the condo, and they began the hunt for the right home near Danessa’s work. (She has a super-cool career – gorilla zookeeper at the zoo!)

Danessa wanted something very specific: ranch home with a basement, a little land, not in a neighborhood… all for under $200k. Now, there aren’t very many ranches available, so there are very few homes in the area that fit this criteria.

Two Happy Ladies: Realtor Rita Boswell and home buyer DanessaBut, Danessa stuck with it for two years. Rita showed her 56 houses, and wrote five offers. If you’ve ever put an offer on a home that wasn’t accepted, you know what an emotional roller-coaster that can be (I’ve been there). She did it five times. Needless to say, some tears were shed.

Finally, though, she found the right house and her offer was accepted! She recently closed and is moved in. We’re so thrilled for her!

White Lewis Center Ohio Ranch Home With Garage

Buying A Home Involves Compromise

Of course, there was compromise. She had to go a little above her ideal price point. In a Seller’s Market with rapidly increasing home values, this is something many buyers are realizing.

If you’re buying a home in the competitive Columbus area right now, you will likely have to make some compromises. If you absolutely cannot go over a certain number, it may be wise to shift to a slightly lower price range so that you have room to make a strong offer. This might mean giving up some of your wish-list items that maybe aren’t priorities.

However, if you can compromise on price a little bit, you might find the right house and be able to make a strong offer that will actually get accepted. Remember, the market value of a home is not what you personally want to pay for it or what you can afford. It is the price that buyers are willing to pay.

Don’t Give Up Hope

Whatever compromises you may have to make, don’t give up on your dream! Even if it takes two years and you shed a few tears along the way. It is all worth it when you get to move in to your perfect house!

While many buyers are frustrated by the current sellers market in Columbus, statistically home buyers are able to find and buy a home faster with help from an experienced Realtor. If you’re thinking about buying a home soon, get in touch with Rita Boswell at 614-830-9767. She’ll help you find the right house for you, even if it takes time.

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